You can locate BMP and JPG panorama images on your disk using the Open dialog. In the list below the toolbar, a shortcut to the original file is created for every opened panorama. Shortcuts can be renamed and deleted, without affecting the original files. The list can store an indefinite amount of panorama shortcuts. In CodedColor PhotoStudio, these links are stored in the Organizer catalog "Panoramas 1". If you later install CodedColor PhotoStudio, your current list of panorama shortcuts is automatically imported by the Organizer. Digital images can show rough pixel edges and rasters, depending on their current zoom Factor. The antialias option improves edge sharpness and softens speckled regions. Since this Operation costs time and computer resources, you should leave the value at None or On Stop, so that the animation flow is not interrupted. With the On Stop setting, the antialias operation is only applied when the image movement stops. A good alternative for limited resources would be, to reduce the size of the panorama using CodedColor PhotoStudio. In the resize dialog of the Image Editor, you can define a resample filter like Lanczos3 or Fast Linear, which corresponds to a one time anitialiasing in the reduced panorama. The image horizon stands in direct relation to the camera Field of View (see above) and the size of the application window. The horizon angle determines the curve of the horizon. A strongly curved horizon leaves the impression of a fish eye lens. Under normal conditions, this value should lie Between -10 and 10 degrees. The angle is stored - like the window size and the field of view - with the current panorama.